
Trust is an essential human value that defines and govern our relationship with clients, business partners, regulators, shareholders, co-workers and the wider community within which we function. We aim to be transparent, open and accountable for our actions and the results arising thereof. Trust is the cornerstone of every successful business. By working to provide consistent and proactive communications, we seek to assure our stakeholders the importance of our relationships and to always safeguard their interests.



Integrity is the foundation upon which we build trust, teamwork and commitment which are essential elements in fostering sustainable relationship with all our stakeholders. Moral, ethical behaviour begins with those at the top and is replicated as it permeates the organisation attracting and inspiring others with right mindsets and aspirations.



We embrace efficiency by providing a conducive environment for all relevant stakeholders to perform, innovate and excel. By formulating clear policies, procedures, performance measures as well as regular training, we seek to stay ahead of competition by actualizing excellent customer service and experience.


We encourage collaborative innovation as it is the perfect leverage to create, enhance teamwork and break down the silo mentality which so often plagues an organisation. We empower our workforce to innovate and challenge the status quo in pursuit of efficiency and effectiveness as everyone has a vested stake in the Bank's success over the long run.



The difference between success and failure is a great team. Talent wins games but teamwork wins championships. We nurture a conducive business environment built on mutual respect and collaborative engagement. We advocate open lines of communication, adaptability to changing conditions, confidence and creativity as well as diversity of capabilities.